This account is for Boston College in the United Kingdom

This account is for Boston College in the United Kingdom
If your application is for Boston College in South Africa, click here:
You need to create an account to start your application.

  • Use your own email address (not school or a relatives).
  • Use your own personal mobile phone number (not a relatives).
  • Do not create a second account.
  • This account is for Boston College in the United Kingdom.

  • Click here to view our Privacy Notice
    This should be your legal/official first name
    This should be your legal/official last name
    Format dd/mm/yyyy
    This must be your own email address
    This must be your own mobile phone number
    Password must contain at least 9 characters and be a combination of upper and lower case and include at least 1 number
    Password must contain at least 9 characters and be a combination of upper and lower case and include at least 1 number
    This password must contain at least 9 characters and be a combination of upper and lower case and include at least 1 number